10 Funny Whatsapp Status For Women Whatsapp

Women live longer than men because typically women don't get married to women.

(Glass breaks) woman: I think someones breaking in! Man: I'll take care of this (grabs a toilet brush) Woman: A toilet brush? What are you going to do scrub him to death? Man: Would you want to be touched with this?

When the Spice Girls chose their "Spicy" alter-ego nicknames, the girl with the biggest boobs should have chosen to go by Spice Rack

Women are angels, and when someone breaks our wings, we continue to fly...on a broomstick. We're flexible that way.

If you're on the show "16 and Pregnant" you have a pretty good chance of being on the follow-up show "32 and a Grandmother"

Women are like police, they can have all the evidence in the world but they still want a confession

I saw an elderly women wearing a "Guess" sweatshirt the other day so I said ...82?? She didnt smile

I saw a woman wearing a sweat shirt with "Guess" on it...so I said "Implants"

Good girls are bad girls that never get caught.

Women should not have children after 35. Really... 35 children are enough.


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