15 Whatsapp Status Quote For Better Feeling

We collect some great quote about life, if you read it carefully and choose one, we ensure you that one quote can be change of your thinking. one quote a day, keep all trouble away. you can also make this quote on your whatsapp status.

If you tremble with indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine.


Let the world change you than you can change the world.


We cannot be sure of having something to live for unless we are willing to die for it.


I am not a liberator. Liberators do not exist. The people liberate themselves.


The first duty of a revolutionary is to be educated.


The revolution is not an apple that falls when ripe. You have to make it fall.


Cruel leaders are replaced only to have new leaders turn cruel!


Words without deeds are worthless.


Always struggle for victory.


It’s a sad thing not to have friends, but it is even sadder not to have enemies.


To send men to the firing squad, judicial proof is unnecessary … These procedures are an archaic bourgeois detail. This is a revolution!


If any person has a good word for the previous government that is good enough for me to have him shot.


There is no other definition of socialism valid for us than that of the abolition of the exploitation of man by man.


Many will call me an adventurer, and that I am... only one of a different sort: one who risks his skin to prove his truths.


Homeland or death! We will triumph!


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